Tuesday 24 January 2012

A day of Baking

So I decided to brace the 30 degree heat of last Saturday and spend the day in the Kitchen.  Perhaps I was feeling a little homesick or lonesome - but for some reason I had the want in me for a slice of brown soda bread...so with no plans for the day I couldn't think of anything i'd prefer to be doing than to spend the day cooking.  I had also spend a number of hours on friday reading this amazing blog http://eatlikeagirl.com/ an Irish lady living in London ...which inspired me to get up off my ass and back into the kitchen!

Himself had had a pretty late night/early morning so as I was getting up he was going to bed...which left me with a quiet house and more time to plan my cooking.

So first things first, I made my brown soda bread.  Then while it was baking I took out the laptop and my cookbooks and made a list of all I was going to make...exciting times were ahead...

So I made the list - from Nevin Maguires  cookbook CountyLiving - One I truely recommend..It was actually the book that inspired me to cook more - he is my favourite Irish Chef - I have met him a few times throughout the years, firstly as a Thermomix consultant in Ireland, then while in China he visited as part of Irelands Ernest and Young Entrepreneurs of the Year, then as a treat for my parents and myself we visited his restaurant which is in my home county of Cavan in Ireland.  We stayed in they're B&B and had the most wonderful experience! I can safely say that my parents have never had a better meal before and will be hard pressed to ever have a better one. http://www.nevenmaguire.com/

Anyway back to the baking...so after a quick trip down to Wollies and the South Melbourne Market for supplies I found myself back home shopping in bags at my feet and the thermomix wizzing!

Nevin's White Irish Soda Bread with spring Onions and Cheddar cheese was created and thourally enjoyed.

I toyed around with the idea of making rough puff pastry for the Beef Wellington recipe I had stolen from the amazing website The British Larder http://www.britishlarder.co.uk/ . But decided with my tiny kitchen and overflowing fridge and freezer it was near to impossible to do so I bought a sneaky frozen one from Wollies while I was there!

So that leads you to what our dinner was that night - Beef Wellington with Creamy, Garlicky Potatoes.
When the boy got up at 4pm he was hungry so I made him our favourite Potato and Bacon Soup - always the best hangover cure - especially when served with freshly baked bread.

And for desert, well I just made some cookies...


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

    Would love to hear more of your experiences as a consultant for Thermomix and the Chefs you have met and recipes they plan to use their TMs for! I am also a TM consultant - but only visit housewives so far!!!

  2. Hi Cate,

    Thanks for popping by here also. My blog is a bit poor as yet - I cannot find the time to put into it I am afraid. But someday I will upload all those recipes and photos!

  3. Hi,

    I just found your great blog! I am married to an Irish guy and we are living in Australia now. I was wondering if you could help me.
    I have recently purchased a thermomix and Im loving it! My hubby has been a bit homesick and I have attempted soda bread in the TM but it was a complete failure and I have not been able to find a Thermomix Irish Soda Bread recipe? Can you give me some direction or direct me to a place I could find one?
    Thanks! I really enjoy your blog!

  4. Hi there, my hubby is from Northern Ireland & we have been living back in Oz for about 6 years. I'm desperate to try to replicate the traditional wheaten bread that is so prominent there. As a new thermomix owner, I am enjoying making breads the most :) I was wondering if you have a link or could share your brown bread soda bread recipe? Would be greatly appreciated!
